Written by 12:42 pm Lawn Tips

8 Ways Make Bermuda Grass Thicker, Healthier, and Greener

thicker bermuda grass title
  1. Fertilize
  2. Aerate
  3. Remove Thatch
  4. Overseed

1. Fertilize

Proper fertilization is one of the most critical steps to achieve thicker Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass requires more nutrients to grow; fertilization is crucial. Following a well-timed and planned fertilization schedule would go a long way in growing a thicker and healthier lawn.

2. Aerate

Aerating the soil will help Bermuda grass to grow faster and spread further. Aerated soil absorbs water and nutrients better than compacted dirt. Moist and nutrient-rich soil fosters far more growth than tightly packed soil.

3. Remove Thatch

Thatch is a layer of material that builds up above the soil but below the Bermuda grass blades. Thatch consists of bead grass, roots, mulched trimmings, and other organic matter that has not decomposed. Thatch has the ability to choke out new grass growth.

Bermuda grass will also have to compete with thatch for nutrients, water, and sunlight. If you want thick Bermuda grass, you need to remove thatch regularly.

4. Overseed

Overseeding Bermuda is a simple and effective way to thicken your lawn. New Bermuda seed is spread over an existing lawn, creating a healthier and thicker lawn in no time.

5. Go Low with a Mow

Cut Bermuda grass to a height of one inch, or even a little lower. Cutting lower and more frequently will encourage Bermuda grass to begin growing outward instead of up. Frequent cuttings will also stimulate more vigorous growth.

6. Kill the Pesky Weeds

Weeds are unsightly and are not healthy for Bermuda grass. Broadleaf weeds will create holes in turf and will lead to bear spots. Weeds also compete with the turf for nutrients, slowing growth. Using pre and post-emergent herbicides to rid a Bermuda grass lawn of weeds. More information on the best weed killers for Bermuda grass can be found here.

7. Water

Bermuda grass requires 1 to 1.25 inches of water per week. Grass cannot grow and spread if it is not receiving enough moisture. Properly water Bermuda turf to ensure that healthy and beautiful growth occurs. If temperatures are extremely high, more water may need to be applied. It is recommended to water Bermuda grass for longer and less frequent periods to ensure that the roots receive adequate hydration.

Thick, Healthy Bermuda Grass
To achieve maximum thickness, bermudagrass requires 1 to 1.25 inches of water per week.

8. Add Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient in the growth process for Bermuda grass. Iron aids in the production of chlorophyll in grass. Chlorophyll is the substance that gives Bermuda turf its lush green color. Adding an Iron supplement to Bermuda grass may provide the lawn with a key nutrient that it could be missing. Lawn & Petal recommends using a chelated Iron supplement, such as Ferti-Lome Chelated Liquid Iron. If the lawn could be suffering from a soil pH or nutrient deficiency, a soil test is recommended.

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