If you want a lawn that looks like a golf course, Bermuda grass may be the best option for you. Bermuda grass is a beautiful green hue. It also has an ability to make neighbors green with envy. If the current lawn is too out of control, starting a Bermuda lawn from scratch may be the best option. Below, you will find the simple steps to begin a beautiful new Bermuda lawn from seed.
1. Choose the best time of year to start a new lawn from seed.
Never plant a new Bermuda lawn until the last threat of frost has passed. Every area has a predicted last frost date. Wait for one to two weeks after the last frost date has passed to begin planting Bermuda grass seed. At the end of the growing season, plan to have no cold weather for at least sixty days. Frost and cold weather are dangerous to freshly planted Bermuda grass seed.
2. Remove debris and rubbish from the area.

Homeowners should take time to remove any dead grass, sticks, rocks, or pine straw from the lawn. If clumps of weeds or grass are present, you need to kill them with a herbicide.
Two weeks before planting Bermuda grass seed, use a glyphosate product on the lawn. Lawn and Petal recommends Round Up or Glyphosate Plus to kill any lingering grass or plants. Glyphosate does not linger in the soil and will degrade in the two weeks before planting. Till any remaining vegetation into the ground.
3. Add fertilizer and nutrients as needed.

Like most warm-season grasses, Bermuda grass thrives when fed nitrogen. Therefore, prepare the soil with fertilizer to help the seeds to germinate.
If the earth in the lawn suffers from a pH imbalance, add lime or Sulphur to correct the deficiency. If the soil is hard or full of clay, add compost and topsoil to loosen the growing surface. You can do this at the same time you apply fertilizer.
Do not apply a weed and feed product. Only add pure fertilizer when growing a new lawn from Bermuda grass seed.
4. Smooth and level the ground
After you have applied fertilizer, remove any other objects from the planting surface with a rake. If holes or slopes need correcting, fix them now. Leveling a yard will help to ensure proper drainage.
5. Spread the seed onto the soil

Using a hand spreader, disperse the Bermuda grass seed onto the lawn. Follow application rates and instructions provided by the seed producer. You should be mindful of where you apply seed. Make sure to avoid flower beds, driveways, or a neighbor’s yard.
6. Cover the Bermuda grass seed

Cover the bermuda grass seed. This gives it the best odds of germinating. Covered seeds will keep the moisture and nutrients that are required for the seed to grow.
Covering freshly spread grass seed also protects them from wind, wash, and animals. Using a rake, work the seed into the soil approximately .25 of an inch deep–no deeper. Compost or sand can also be used to cover Bermuda grass seed.
7. Water the soil and seeds

Keeping planted grass seed moist is one of the most essential parts of growing a new lawn. Bermuda grass seed requires a minimum of one inch of water per week. If it is very hot, apply water twice a day for the first 10 to 14 days.
After the grass has begun to germinate, daily watering should suffice. Never subject a freshly planted lawn to drought or dry conditions.
Newly planted Bermuda grass seeds should never sit in excess water. Seeds can fall victim to rot and fungus if left in standing water for too long.
Last Step: Enjoy a beautiful Bermuda grass lawn.

After three to four weeks, the Bermuda grass seeds should have germinated and started growing. Continue to water and fertilize the lawn according to weather conditions. Homeowners can cut the lawn after six or seven weeks of growth. Never cut a newly planted lawn too short or too frequently. A weed and feed product for Bermuda grass can be used ten weeks after planting.